Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Korean Barbecue and Pork Belly

Korean BBQ has to be one of the most exported korean dish available.. I on the other hand, had the chance of experiencing it without the "export" part. Most often the dishes are prepared at the table and consist of an assortment of meats and side dishes. That is why I have gone ahead and combined the bbq and pork belly posts together.. They are both cooked sitting down at the table.. In Korea.. these had to be by far my favorite meals, other than Korean fried chicken or "Yum Yum" chicken.. But thats a whole other story. For anyone that has had Korean BBQ or Pork Belly you know it is delicious.. you wrap it up with a lettuce leaf and throw in a little garlic, some bean paste, kimchi and of course meat and shove that sucker right in. These dishes are accompanied by a variety of side dishes that you pick at throughout the meal.. pickled this, pickled that, some tofu.. just a bunch of different things..

Here is the Pork Belly on a cast iron cooking grill.. 

Pork Belly with garlic, green onion with hot pepper paste and bean pasta wrapped in a lettuce leaf

And here is some more at a different restaurant in Seoul.. They also had sausage too!

I give these places 4.5 iron rings out of 5..

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